Beyond the Veil: In the Prayer Closet | Embracing an Intimate Relationship with God

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 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; Phil 4:6

During any time of the day, we have access to communicate with God through prayer. Oftentimes, life gets busy. Life gets hectic. We deal with distractions, and we lose our focus on Biblical practices such as reading the Bible, worshipping and prayer.

We make commitments to watching or participating in the latest sports activities, attending the biggest events and concerts, following the latest trends but do not feel the urgency to dedicate time to the Lord.

The Lord is always available to us. We have a direct connection to Him. We don’t have to worry about drop calls, static or a battery that needs to be charged. We don’t have to go through special protocols to gain His attention. He neither slumbers nor sleeps. Psalm 121:3-4 When we draw closer to the Lord, He reveals Himself to us in many ways.

Call unto me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things that you do not know of.

Jer 33:3

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The Roadmap to Tapping into the Realms of the Spirit

The Outer Court

In the Old Testament, the tabernacle in Jerusalem had three specific areas dedicated for prayer.

The outer court was the gathering area where everyone came to offer thanksgiving to God. It was the location where cleansing of sin and confessions took place, however the Israelites were not permitted to go into the inner court. It was off limits to those who were not established as a higher priest.

the tabernacle

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In comparison, the outer court, in our Christian lifestyle, resembles the religious practices, traditions and rituals where the average person sends prayer requests of petition to God, but they do not experience the presence of the Lord. They may believe God but have never experienced the presence and miracles of God. They may have repented for their sins, but they lack connection and relationship with the Lord. They may attend church but it’s only a religious practice. Their prayer life consists of asking God for help or for material things, but their prayer life doesn’t go much further than petition.

The Inner Court

The inner court was accessible to the worshippers who offered sacrifice and burned incense to the Lord. It is where the table, showbread and incense were located. This area was reserved for praising God which drew the Lord closer. It was a sacrificial praise of worship. There was a curtain or veil that hung as a partition which divided the room from the most sacred area of the tabernacle. This area was reserved only for the high priests of Jerusalem.

In relation to the inner court, in our walk with the Lord, we offer praise and thanksgiving. We have a need to seek and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord. You may have a desire to get baptized or develop a desire for fasting to draw closer to the Lord.

The Holy of Holies

The Holy of Holies was the most sacred area of the tabernacle. This was the area where the ark of the covenant was located. On Yom Kippur, which is also known as the Day of Atonement, the high priest would burn incense and offer animal blood sacrifices upon the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant to atone for sins. This area was in the deepest section of the tabernacle. The veil was torn after the resurrection of Jesus which means Jesus has lifted the veil of separation that allows every born-again believer to have access to the presence of God and receive revelation of the realms of His Spirit.

As you continue to seek the Lord in prayer, continue to grow spiritually through studying and reading the Word, living Holy, and applying Biblical principles to every area of your life, you will experience the presence of the Lord and gain access to a higher spiritual realm.

16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defiles the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

1 Corth 3:16-17


Lord, Jesus we thank you for your guidance and protection. May our heart and mind be open to your plan, purpose and will for our lives. We diligently seek you with our whole heart and purge us from all temptations of sin. Draw us closer to you. May we hear your voice and walk in your ways in everything we do and every place we go. Let us dance before you in praise for in your presence is fullness of joy. May we lay down in precious rest wrapped in your peace and safety as we sleep. May we walk with wisdom and discernment with the Holy Spirit leading the way. Keep us from all harm and heal us from all sickness and disease. We receive the Blood of Redemption that washes us clean of all infirmities. We rejoice in your healing and wholeness of our mind, body and spirit. We thank you for another day and for the blessings that rest upon our lives.

In Jesus Mighty Name.

Amen and Amen.

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Additional Bible References | Digging Deeper into the Word

Just click the links below for direct access to the scriptures on Bible Gateway.

Matt 6:33

Psalm 100:4

Psalm 100:2

John 4:22-24

Psalm 42:1-2

Matt 6:9-13

Heb 4:16

Matt 6:6-7

2 Chron 3:16-17

Exodus 26:33

Matt 27:50-51

Exodus 27:16

John 14:6

Psalm 91

Psalm 84:10

Psalm 84:2

Exodus 27

Matt 7:7-9

Phil 4:6

Psalm 119:2

1 John 5:14

Jer 29:13-14